Building Survey

We have experience in carrying out building surveys on a vast range of buildings from traditional residential properties to large industrial and commercial buildings.

The purpose of these surveys vary from client to client, some just want piece of mind others are a requirement of mortgage, or the Local Authority Planning and Building Regulations.

The survey can be focussed specifically on localised movement in the building or they can be extended to cover its entirety.

Should we consider further exploratory work is required to expose inaccessible elements of the building such as foundations, drains and floors we can make all the necessary arrangements to bring in builders to expose these parts or specialist equipment to examine inside hidden cavities.

Our reports have been used for mortgage and insurance purposes, inspection of remediation works; change of use and even for peace of mind for our clients.


  • Milner McCrea Chartered Surveyors
  • Planning and Design Practice
  • Montague Architects
  • Vion Foods
  • Richard Clarke and Associates Chartered Surveyors
Mathew Montague Architects logo Milner McCrea logo planning design practice logo

RCA logo

Vion Food Group logo

If our building survey services are of interest to you and you would like a free quotation, please get in touch through our contact form and we will be happy to help.